I am an art historian and critic trained and perfected at the Universities “La Sapienza” and “Tor Vergata” in Rome.
I am an art consultant and I have many years of experience.
I am in fact Technical Adviser of Office (CTU) for the Fine Arts and Antique Furniture of the Court of Velletri (Rm), enrolled to the n. 1414 of the Register in civil matters and to the n. 145 of that in criminal matters.
I am also enrolled in the Role Masters Art and Experts of the CCIA of Rome (n. RM-2364) for category XXIV- Antiques and Fine Arts (003 – Painting and Sculpture Modern and Contemporary; 004 – Antique Furniture; 0015 – Drawings and Prints). I also perform consultancy assignments for private individuals (CTP).
In my profession there is also a place for art exhibitions and for the preparation of the relevant historical-scientific and art criticism catalogues.
I collaborated in the scientific activity of the Capitoline Museums of Rome, of the Etruscan Academy of Cortona, for which I edited, together with F. Longo, the volume Il fascino dell’Egitto nell’Italia dell’Ottocento. La Collezione di Cortona e la diffusione del gusto egittizzante (Accademia Etrusca 2005), of the Diocesan Museum of Velletri (Rm), as responsible for external relations and the exhibition sector, for which I was the curator of the volume Bartolomeo Pacca (1756-1844) Ruolo pubblico e private di un Cardinale di Santa Romana Chiesa (Edizioni Blitri 2001) and some catalogues of Contemporary Art.
I am president of the Association Il Grifo Arte that deals with the dissemination of Visual Arts.
I am an active member of the Italian section of the International Association for the Study of Glass (A.I.H.V) for which I have written numerous articles on the stained glass window.
I dedicate myself to the activity of scientific research in the historical-artistic field and I am the author of numerous publications that range from Medieval Art to Museology, from the Roman Nineteenth century to Contemporary Art.
In my career I have collaborated with numerous magazines, both scientific and popular, including: Rivista Nazionale di Archeologia e Storia dell’Arte (RIASA), Rivista di Studi Ungheresi (RSU), the Albatros, Artisti in campo, The International Magazine Urbis et Artis, Ecclesia, About Art online.